How Are Backpacks Made?

Helen | 2020-04-02

You may use your backpacks to hold notebooks, but did you know they actually start as paper templates? These act as a kind of blueprint for cutting and sewing the material used to create your bag. 

The entire backpack manufacturing process is extremely interesting and features five steps to completion. After the paper cutouts are laid out, the next step is cutting the material. Giant bolts of fabric are unrolled and measured to be used in molds.

All of the fabric pieces are cut separately and then brought together through stitching. The front pocket is sewn on and the zippers are added at this stage. These pieces are set aside so the straps can be sewn together.

At this stage the backpack is almost completely ready for use. Now all that needs to be done is detailing. Excess thread is snipped and any snags in the stitches are evened out. 

Of course, there’s one more step in getting your custom designed backpacks. This involves branding the bag with your design or logo through screen-printing, heat transfer, or embroidery. 

Now that you know all about how backpacks are manufactured, it’s time for you to get your hands on one of your own! 

Key words: Backpacks_bag_backpack manufacturer
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